Retired in Alaska and chickens happened.


The outdoor run construction is coming along and Rip is still diligently guarding the 14 week-olds. It cracks me up how proud and happy he is of this flock.
Hey, hi all. Wanted chickens for years, but was waiting til I retired. In April, an escaped dog killed my friend's carefully curated flock. My husband thought he was being clever and bought 10 hens for my birthday- to give to the slaughtered-hen neighbor to take care of and give us eggs (so I wouldn't need my own). Well, that's not the way it works, right? In the meantime, said neighbor decided to incubate the eggs on her counter, and the result was 14 chicks. I now have the crossbred chicks (13 weeks) and the neighbor is keeping my birthday flock. I also have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Duck Toller) that is very protective of this flock; they are his little babies. Photo is him stunned by the peeping chicks. This is gonna be an adventure, right?

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people! OMG what a GREAT picture! What's his name? And is. We are just starting our first flock, and it IS an adventure!

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