Rhoda's looking rocky, and pooing goo too...


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 11, 2007
I wrote that rhyming stuff hoping to get enough attention for my sick R.I. Red (Rhoda) that she will BE HEALED!
The scenario: It turned cold three days ago and snowed. My three ladies (Rhoda, Rhonda, and Marilyn) refused to come out of their coop. They won't even come down the ramp into the pen, much less roam the back yard like usual. We talk to them, hand-feed them treats, leave their food and water in the coop with them, and provide a small oil-filled heater for warmth. This is not the first time they have seen snow or experienced cold, but is the first time they have acted this way.
On the first day, Rhoda got the runs, with the stool very yellow and mucous-like. That has persisted for three days, and her comb and wattles have gotten pale and purple-ish. She seems sluggish, and is off her feed. Her sisters still won't leave the coop either, but they are looking fine and have no symptoms.
I confess that Rhoda is a bit neurotic and standoff-ish, so I'm wondering if the stress of the very sudden cold/snow has really affected her.
What are your thoughts, my fellow travelers?
you said a small oil filled heater....is it possible the fumes are getting to her!? Maybe toxic!? Maybe she is just more sensitive to the fumes than the others. I dunno. hope she is better soon!
SPECKLEDHEN, she is not molting or laying, and I don't give them lights to keep them laying.

JUSTASNAK' the oil-filled heater referred to is electric and the oil is in a radiator to give off heat but no fumes.

Thanks to both of you for the interest. Any more thoughts? The situation persists, including the weather, although it is a bit warmer now (30-35).

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