Rhode Island chicken

They aren't. But they are often one of the breeds used to breed auto-sexing chicks, since they are such good layers!
Second opinion, from the same person!

I raised show quality Rhode Island Reds for years and couldn't tell the males from the females until the hackles, combs and spurs started growing.

I see that Cackle Hatchery calls them sex linked. I imagine that they may have a line of production RIRs that could have sex-linked characteristics. I don't know how they would do in shows.

Dominique's are supposed to be sex-linked because the males have diffused white spots on the head while the females markings are more distinct. However, that evidently didn't help Murray McMurray when they sent my order for 25 Dominique pullets--six of them were males!
They aren't. But they are often one of the breeds used to breed auto-sexing chicks, since they are such good layers!
Ok thanks for the info cause some people say the Rhode Island’s are cause apparently the male chicks have a white spot on their wings and the pulleys don’t but I don’t know how accurate that is
If you are looking for a breed that you can easily auto-sex as chicks, cream legbars should be good. I have no experience with them, myself, but a friend raises them as layers, and she says you cannot miss the difference between males and females in the chicks.

She and I both have had Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and Dominiques. She gave up on those breeds because it was too hard to tell the sexes apart as chicks.
Yes and no. In a certain strain of RIRs, an autosexing trait was discovered. The males will have white in their wing down. But this is not a 100 percent accurate form of sexing.
If you are looking for a breed that you can easily auto-sex as chicks, cream legbars should be good. I have no experience with them, myself, but a friend raises them as layers, and she says you cannot miss the difference between males and females in the chicks.

She and I both have had Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and Dominiques. She gave up on those breeds because it was too hard to tell the sexes apart as chicks.
Ok thanks for the info I might get some cream legbars then.

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