Rhode Island Red chick. Hoping it's a pullet!


11 Years
May 29, 2008
SC Arkansas
I bought "Lucy" at only a few days old as a pullet, but at about 4 to 6 weeks old, we were convinced she was actually a he instead, and changed the name to Louie. The legs are thick and the chick is very heavy and "meatie" compared to the others, which are standard barred rocks, white rocks, delaware, etc...

Well, now she or he is finally feathered out, and looking more like a Lucy again. The comb is still fairly pale and small, although she's still quite a chunk!

Am I safe in thinking I have a future egg layer here?

I already have 2 roos, and 10 other pullets, so you know which way I'm hoping this to go, lol!

Oh, and she/he is between 11 and 12 weeks old.

Thanks for your help on this!


I have one that is 11 weeks old also - way more comb and wattles than yours ( mine looks like a roo but acts like a hen and doesn't crow:idunno)

This is him about 1 1/2 weeks ago:

What a beautiful photograph! Very pretty bird too.

I'd think roo on yours too, with a nice red comb like that. I've heard some just take longer to start crowing. Neither of my two cockerels, my Cochin or my EE, have tried to crow yet either, and both of them are very obviously boys.
It's hatch mate has been crowing for about a week now, so maybe he doesn't feel the need. He will do ANYTHING for a raisin though:D. I had a lot of fun switching from regular raisins to the white ones - got the evil chicken eye until he figured out they were still raisins...
I would say yours are definately pullets.

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