Rhode Island Red rooster lays egg

In late April I aquired 15 pullets, 10 wyandotte and 5 Brown Leghorn. I also purchased one Leghorn cockrell. My wonderful grandkids suggested naming him Chanteclair.
In the last 3 days I observed Chanteclair laying 2 eggs. He is beautiful, large red comb and wattles, superior in size to the rest. I am of the opinion that roosters do not lay eggs. Chanteclair is a cross dresser and now goes by Clair. LOL.
A large comb and wattles do NOT A ROOSTER MAKE.
The large comb and wattles is an indication of reproductive maturity. Cockerels mature much earlier than pullets, and are usually very bright red in the comb by 8 weeks old. Leghorn pullets tend to mature a bit faster than other breeds, and have larger combs than other breeds as well.
What you took as a sign of a male, was actually a pullet getting ready to lay. She was never male at all. You misinterpreted the comb and wattle development.
Welcome to BYC! It's great to have you.

Roosters don't lay. Egg = female, 100% of the time. Hens who are mature can have extremely large combs and wattles, such as in the Leghorn breed, where they are so large they flop over. There have actually been studies indicating that hens with larger combs are better producers.

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