rhode island red rooster looking poorly after an attack on his flock


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 3, 2008
Eureka, MO
I am sorry to bother everyone but I need some ideas. My neighbor has had an animal attack on her coop. the attacker eviscerated 10 babys and 2 adults all hens. the dominate rhode island red rooster it looks like tried to save them. he had some chest feathers torn out , but nothing penetrated skin, nor did he bleed. but since the attack even though he eats and drinks well. his coat has lost its luster and he seems to be loosing weight. could this be a stress issue and what might we do about it. It has started to get a little warm here I thought some electrolytes might help but is it safe with his girls laying eggs. he seems to eat and drink well he just doesn't seem to behaving the same. I know it sounds stupid but he is not the same rooster has an aire of defeat.

any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome. This is no bother. Yes, they can stress after something like that. The roo can be mourning their loss. So, it is not a silly question at all.

Check him over really well and make sure there are no injuries, add some electrolytes & vitamins to the water (it will not hurt the hens), give him some treat type food that is good for him. Plain yogurt, scrambled eggs, cooked oatmeal.

Watch him and pamper him a little and see how he does. Remember, in his mind, his flock was attacked and there are flock members missing. his job is to keep the flock together and protect them. They can take it hard and if his favorite girl was killed he will certainly mourn her.

Good luck and keep us posted.
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