Rhode Island Red rooster

After quarantine, I've found it no problem just to let roos mingle (other members may do things differently, i should add). Roos and hens don't share the same pecking order, but thats not to say that he will take some time before he is accepted. I recently introduced a cockerel (ordered a roo, but got a young punk) and he's fine with the girls, but some of the more senior girls put him in his place, for now. I'm sure that once he matures, and learns to call them for treats that he's found etc, he will be considered flock leader.

Maybe just make sessions? Put him in when you are there with them and watch? Hope all goes well!
How do I introduce a rooster too my hens
How old are your birds?
How old is the male?
What kind of set up do you have?

There are many different ways to introduce new birds depending on their ages and other things.
A mature(over 1 year old) and well behaved cockbird can usually be easily introduced to mature hens(over 1 year old).
Younger birds are another story.
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After quarantine, I've found it no problem just to let roos mingle (other members may do things differently, i should add). Roos and hens don't share the same pecking order, but thats not to say that he will take some time before he is accepted. I recently introduced a cockerel (ordered a roo, but got a young punk) and he's fine with the girls, but some of the more senior girls put him in his place, for now. I'm sure that once he matures, and learns to call them for treats that he's found etc, he will be considered flock leader.


X2. I needed a new flock rooster this spring. After quarantine I put the new guy in a pen next to my main coop where he stayed for several days while the hens free ranged. Then one morning I just opened the door so he could come out. He stayed with the hens during the day but he did go back to his own coop for two or three nights before he followed the hens into theirs.
I gave a rooster to a friend once who for whatever reason decided he didn't need to be quarantined. She opened the door of his crate and within five minutes he was dancing for her hens and they were all clustered around him. Next morning he was out free ranging with them.
Unless you have other roosters it's easier to add a rooster to a flock than a hen. but a good rooster can help there if he wants peace in his flock.
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