Rhode Island Red Thread!

Wow, i am sorry about that Twink, I hope it turns out to not be much of anything.

Macg, how did I not notice those lovely pictures you posted!? Where did you get those birds?
Aww, poor Phillie, I hope she will be okay!
I'm thinking she may have a sprain or some sort of pain in her leg. She was limping pretty bad this morning but I gave her 1/2 an aspirin and then she was quite a bit better. This afternoon I'm seeing her limp a bit again but I'm sure the aspirin has worn off. I think I may quarantine her for a few days so she stays off of it. She's the smallest of the 4 birds and wants to roost with the others but I think the highest roost bar where the bigger girls go might be too high and she may have had a hard landing getting off. I think I'll add a middle height bar or a ramp or something to help her get down in the mornings. Hopefully all it is is a sprain. A couple people in the health forums suggested Marek's but all I can do it pray it isn't that.
Still not sure. She was in quarantine for several days and I didn't really see any change. She stands and runs on it. Everything else seems totally normal. No signs of sickness, poop is normal, I feel no swelling, no breaks, no heat from infection, no signs of bumble foot. I checked for thorns multiple times. I think it's in her hip area. She will stand on one foot with all her weight on it. She doesn't curl her toes or make any signs that the pain is in her foot. I may put her back in quarantine for a longer period of time, like 2 weeks, and see if it helps.
So total change of events. Yesterday Phillie's limp magically disappeared for the most part. A tiny bit of a wobble to her walk but otherwise I'd say she's on the mend. Today the same slight wobble but no biggie, then she started to act weird, pacing, venturing to parts of the yard she never had before, squawking a lot and then this...

No egg yet but all I can say is WOW. As runty and troubled as she's been from day 1 I really thought she'd be the very last or close to it to lay. I almost guaranteed my Welsummer would be next. The past 2 days Phillie has squatted for me regularly but when my BSL started squatting it was almost 3 weeks before I found her in the box, and with Phil already in the box today I think if not today by this weekend she should be poppin one out. So proud of her.
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