Rhode Island Red Thread!

Thanks! :) She laid pretty late in the day on Friday so she skipped yesterday but 8am today she was in the box ready to lay again. I wasn't aware she'd be in there so early and ended up disturbing her when I went in to let them out for the day so she came out so she wouldn't miss yogurt time and then she promptly went back into the coop and laid her second egg by 8:30.
It's weird - they're supposed to be really calm and the 'top dogs' of the flock, but mine was incredibly flighty and always thinking the sky was falling in. Yeah, they do get pretty messy when they get wet!
Has Phillie been continuing to lay her egg??
yep, She's laid 5 in the past 7 days. :) She seems to be on a 28 hour schedule or there about. She'll lay one around 8:30am then the next day around 11:30am, the 3rd day around 3:30pm and then skip a day. My BSL is still laying every single day around 10am so from the 2 we should get a dozen eggs a week. Hoping it wont be long before one of the other girls starts.
Hello there! I am curious what you all think, I think my RIR is a roo. I've been calling her Regina but maybe she's a Reginald! Let me know what you think. Regina was hatched on 9/12/13 so she must be almost 6 weeks old now, more aggressive than my other breeds but I think she's at the top of the pecking order. Very flighty.

Thanks for your input.

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