Rhode Island Reds/Production Reds


Jan 18, 2008
Central Illinois
Has anyone noticed a difference between hatchery RIR and Production Reds? I have purchased both over the years. And both breeds grow out to be the same bird. Any thoughts? Thank you, Lonnie
The only place you can get a pure Rhode Island Red is a breeder. True ones are very dark brown. They are all production birds. Not a real breed. I have two Production Reds, thought they were RIR's oops.. they r sweethearts, though.

Mama to-
2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 2 Silkies, 2 Modern Game Banties, 1 Black Sumatra, 1 Golden Campine, 1 Bearded Buff Laced Polish, and 1 Birchen OEG banty, 1 horse (soon to be 2) 3 cats, 1 dog, and several fish.
very true, most all hatchery RIRs are production Reds and if you want the true, Ol timey, dark RIRs, you have to get them from good breeder that has show lines.
I'm going through the transition right now. I've re-homed my hatchery reds to a good friend of mine so that I can concentrate on the heritage RIR's. My chicks will be here somewhere around the first of May. Can't Wait!!!
Here is a picture of a true RIR. They are blocky built and deep dark red. The males also have green tail feathers. The females also are deep red and blocky. The only ones you can get them from are breeders and some people here on BYC. I just got eggs from some breeders and hopefuly I can get some nice birds. Here are the pictures. The guys name is william that has these birds but he is a little behind on his eggs and has a list. He is here on BYC as pine grove.




I would like to say I have had production reds and they lay like crazy. The eggs were good size and they were good through hot and even cold weather. The hens were friendly and the 2 roosters were okay a little agressive toward strangers and other roosters. They ate well and they ate a lot of stuff from the garden.
I have never had a true RIR rooster but I have had hens. They laid okay but not near as well as production Reds. They were pretty gentil and ate well also. If you just want nice eggs get production reds. I think you will like them. If you want a special bird get them true RIRs. If you can get in line with with William ( pine grove ) I know you will love his birds. Hope this helps you out.
dave27889, I spoke to William on the phone last night and he is just about booked for the season already. He has put a lot of time and effort in his flocks and it shows. A very nice person to do business with.
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I agree with the other posts. I have hatchery RIR's that lay very well. I wanted to get into true RIR's so I got some from a breeder. My fist hatch of breeder Reds was a small hatch, but I was so impressed with these breeder Reds, that I had to get more! I have a bunch in the bator right now, and when they reach laying age my hatchery stock is going up for sale. The breeder Reds are much calmer and more pleasant. Alot of folks coment on how RIR roos have a reputation for being mean.........I think it is the hatchery-production RIR roo earning that reputation. My breeder Reds are so sweet and so calm that I was impressed enough to get more! I can't say enough about the superior quality of breeder Reds. I will say that production Reds are good if you just want eggs. But it's kind of like buying Coke or Pepsi vs store brand soda. It's similar, but not the same.
The Pine Grove pics are nothing compared to the actual birds. I was at his place last year, 75 or so adult birds and each one looking as if oil was dripping from their feathers. His RIR's aren't just a Flash in the Pan cross of this and that. This man really knows his stuff when it comes to breeding and taking care of poultry, Anyone that orders from him won't go wrong
Not just saying this because he gave me a trio while I was there, These are truly beautiful and healthy birds
Thanks for posting the pics Dave. I knew those had to be Williams lines as soon as I saw the first pic. I haven't had the chance to see them in person yet, but William isn't but maybe 30 minutes away from me and I will go see him sometime and get a few eggs from him then.

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