Rhode Island white? gender guesses

no guesses? let me know if you need more pictures.
I guessed cockerel based on the waddles...they are starting to show only on my known cockerels (sex-linked) at this point.
Rhode Island Whites are rare, extremely rare. They also have rose combs, while that chick has a single comb. Not a RIW.

Anyway, it's gorgeous. Another week or two will tell the tale. As you have already noticed with the others, those that sprout early red combs and wattles are males. I'd give it another week or two. Again, I'm a such a sucker for a pure white bird.
thanks! I will wait a couple more weeks amd post again.
Yes, he/she is staying all white so far
and I'm hoping it stays that way...because if it's a red linked it would definately be male...
So I hope he/she stays white (and still has a 50% chance of it being a hen)
I'm ok with it not having a rose comb. Maybe I'll start calling it a non-standard RIW?
Looks like a White Plymouth Rock to me.
I have 5 of them.

Look here
They are great birds, fantastic eggg layers & very personable.
Yours loks like a pullet to me.
wow, our chick looks just like that one on the link, but the waddles are already showing and pink and the comb too is already looking pink (and the one in the picture isn't)....I hope it's a pullet...but I still think it might not be. I have at least 4 hens so I am happy about that! It would be nice if this one was a pullet too!
Thanks for your guesses!!!

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