Rhode Island White Thread


I finally put my pics on the computer and decided to go ahead and post it from a week ago. I left Kansas with 54 a week ago and still holding at an even 50.
I would like to hear from people with RCRIW chickens ! Just a paragraph or two of how they like them and maybe an estament of how many eggs they lay and how good of a meat bird they are. I would love to know the opinions of the people that own these birds.
I will say I have 50 chicks & so far they seem very easy going in the brooder. They are 2 weeks old and are growing very quickly. I am curious to see if they lay 250-300 eggs/yr and grow to 6 pound+ hens. Very interested in this breed and would love to hear from some of the people that have them.
I would like to hear from people with RCRIW chickens ! Just a paragraph or two of how they like them and maybe an estament of how many eggs they lay and how good of a meat bird they are. I would love to know the opinions of the people that own these birds.
I will say I have 50 chicks & so far they seem very easy going in the brooder. They are 2 weeks old and are growing very quickly. I am curious to see if they lay 250-300 eggs/yr and grow to 6 pound+ hens. Very interested in this breed and would love to hear from some of the people that have them.
They were a bit harder to process (skinning if you skin your birds) than others. The only others in my freezer are Sex-Links which were a bit easier. Just my opinion. I would say probably in the egg department closer to the 250 eggs/yr.
Thanks Cmom
When I get a good incubator I will be ordering eggs from you. I would love to just come get about 25 chicks from you but that's a long drive with chicks in the car!!!
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These are 6 weeks old and love them some bugs!

These are 6 weeks old and love them some bugs!
I hatched out a few Single Combs to experiment with and also some Rose Comb. Now I have to band the Rose Combs so I can keep track of the chicks I hatched from the eggs I got from Rob. They are in a separate coop with some of my RIR chicks. They grow so fast.
I let mine peck each other too much I hope their tail feathers come back in soon. I swapped horsed midstream and I guess over crowded them too much. I am very impressed how well they grow and alert they are. I figure the ones that are getting a bright red comb right now are the roosters and they are larger too.Mine are 6 weeks old and so far after loosing 4 in the first 2 days I am 50 for 50. They were out of the pin for 4 hours yesterday and they really hung with the shade until bed time then they started chasing bugs. I could loose a crop watching them. I painted their house and trimmed some brush and mowed and my cows drifted in late yesterday and I think that was the first time the cows had seen chickens and the chicken had seen cows they just stood and stered at each other.

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