Rhode Island White Thread

I inquired with Cackle Hatchery. A hatchery with a history of purchasing breeding stock from quality breeders of several different breeds.
I asked about this not a real breed business. Turns out the R.I.W steaight comb stock are culls that hatched with a straight comb. Which if you look at what breeds created the R.I.W rose comb. They purchased them from 3 different breeders that were working on the recovery of the breed. I have 5 hens that are just beginning to lay. I have to say that in my lifetime I have never been happier with the health and virility of a breed of chicken. The SC is imperative to my hybrid project. A rose comb would not work as well.
WOW sure is quiet in here. Hope everyone's RC RIW's are doing well. It has been so cold here I haven't even thought about starting any kind of hatching. I have all the females and males marked as to who is going where. Let me know how yours are doing. I don't get the automatic e-mails any more so pretty much use the Facebook group to keep up on some of you. Cmom you got to come back. LOL
WOW sure is quiet in here. Hope everyone's RC RIW's are doing well. It has been so cold here I haven't even thought about starting any kind of hatching. I have all the females and males marked as to who is going where. Let me know how yours are doing. I don't get the automatic e-mails any more so pretty much use the Facebook group to keep up on some of you. Cmom you got to come back. LOL

For whatever reason which I don't know my face book page disappeared. Don't know why and I have disappeared from the friends lists. I am in need of a new RC RIW cockerel. I sold them all except one. I wasn't happy with them. I have kept the females and one did well at a show. The cockerel I took to the show placed OK but not as well as the other birds that I took. To my eye the males had quite short backs but very wide. My older male died months ago so the only male I have is brother to the females. I will put him in with the older girls but still will need a male for the younger girls. My RIW's are my best layers aside from my Leghorns.
If you were closer I would have a couple of different males for you to choose from.

So not real sure what has happened to your RC RIW's. I thought you were happy with them. Mine have just been going and growing like gangbusters. I really need to get my pens set up so once this cold is over they are ready to go for hatching.

Let me know if I can help you out in any way

FYI...I've been quietly working on rose-combed whites for the last three years. My progress seems to be slower than many other folks but time is on my side. If/when I get to the point that I think my birds are worthy, I'll post pics on this thread.

FYI...I've been quietly working on rose-combed whites for the last three years. My progress seems to be slower than many other folks but time is on my side. If/when I get to the point that I think my birds are worthy, I'll post pics on this thread.

Arron...Glad to see you are working on the breed. Go a head and show us what you have. No one on here that I know of will judge you but just give you maybe some helpful advice.

Have you joined the Rose Comb Rhode Island White group on Facebook?

Here is the link...


There are several fairly good breeders in the group that might be able to help you out.

Here are a few pictures of my line of RC RIW's...

Here are a few Cockerel pictures...

I still have work to do on them but they are coming along fairly well.

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