Rhodebar Sexlink

They are dry but sticky lol


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Yep I agree! Cuties! Let me know how their personality develops! They're very high percentage Rhodebar so hopefully they'll be very interactive and mischievous.
I love friendly interactive chickens. Most of mine are except my Easter eggers most of them run from me unless I have treats lol 🙄🤣
I love friendly interactive chickens. Most of mine are except my Easter eggers most of them run from me unless I have treats lol 🙄🤣
Mine were very skittish too! Most people seem to think they're quite friendly but that certainly wasn't the case for me either. When mine hit 3+ years old though, they did mellow down quite a bit and were more easily handled :) Hopefully yours will too!!
@Rhodebar Lover
I get confused on why they called it Rhodebar when it's a Legbar cross.

I found this explanation or is this incorrect?


The Rhodebar is a bit different when it comes to how you tell the chicks apart. Of course, before you get the chicks, you are going to need to make some chicks. This means crossing some Rhode Island Reds with Barred Plymouth Rocks.

Although, do bear in mind that nowadays you can just breed the Rhodebar together. As long as you do not end up with a chick that is white, all of them should be able to mate to create new Rhodebars.

The hens are easy to spot here. They will have a stripe on their back. You can spot the males due to a dot appearing on their heads. Once again, this is another breed that is going to be fantastic for those who want a quality dual-purpose chicken breed."

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