Ribh's D'Coopage

That is the right word to describe her, MJ. ☺️She was very sensible. The tribe seems to have had its upset before she passed & is its usual calm self this morning despite 2 losses in 2 days. I am not sure who is lead hen yet. Aoife seems to be the enforcer so I suspect Luna, with Ha'penny as support. They are the next 2 oldest hens. Beatha doesn't have enough clout but she also came with Aoife. The Vorwerks would like to lead but are too junior I think for the older girls to accept them.
It will be interesting to see if age and experience is what determines the lead hen.
:hugsSad, but she had a good life with you Ribh. I was surprised when Blue Spot kept goind after her life long partner Harold died.
Yes. I know Luna is distressed. The BRs were her buddies. She's not a fan of the Campines or Vorwerks, being a staid old girl who believes everyone should stay calm & follow the rules. I'm down to one really calm chook ~ which is a little concerning.
Thanks, Bruce. Soda wasn't completely unexpected. She's been slowing for some time. Hepzibah was a shock but I am all good. I've dealt with far more traumatic deaths that were much harder to accept. They didn't suffer & were loved & cared for right up until the end.
You've come a long way in the past three years Ribh. It doesn't get any easier when they die but one comes to learn that this is what happens and we strive to make their living years as good as is possible.
You've come a long way in the past three years Ribh. It doesn't get any easier when they die but one comes to learn that this is what happens and we strive to make their living years as good as is possible.
They really enjoyed their time here. Their last months were really good ones. It's a funny sort of yard but all the chooks love it!
I'm sorry Bob. :hugs The flip side of giving our hearts to creatures with shorter life spans. I'm just trying to enjoy my tribe for what it is now.
It's OK. I kind of look at Lilly as my one success. No one else has survived so long. I know someday I will lose her but I hope for a few more years. We shall see. I'm going to give her every chance. :hugs
I think we’ve had a change in the pecking order! Penguin challenged both Tegan and Nyssa and chased them off! They are now keeping their distance from her. I don’t know who’s at the bottom though; Lottie and Snowy were chest-bumping yesterday.
That Penguin is a pistol. I figured she had designs on the top, crowing and all. This is her territory now!

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