Ribh's D'Coopage

Katniss was happy the iguana went back to her own house so she could have the good pillow.
I have had the best success using enrofloxacin or Baytril to help people treat mycoplasma. In the end it is down to what you can get your hands on sometimes.

I'm not seeing the foamy eye that is typical of mycoplasma in the picture. Are her eyes foamy at all @Ribh ?
No, no foamy eyes. They were glued shut with gunk when I spotted her & her face was very swollen. No coughing or wheezing just a steady stream of slimy muck from her mouth & nostrils. Watery yellow poops. I got the discharge & swelling under control within 24 hours but she wouldn't eat or drink. I have no idea. Luna is making really weird sounds ~ but she always has so I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with her.

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