Ribh's D'Coopage

Because I don't have a blow dryer I've been putting off doing this but all the talk of fly strike & I knew I had to act before our heat really kicks in ~ & what a job it was.​
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I've never been so glad my girls are easy to handle!
No, she wasn't happy but she didn't panic either.

First I had to shear her butt feathers. My goodness! Much, much worse than I thought she was, poor girl.
She's such a fluffball it's hard to know what's going on back there.

Then into the nice warm water & a good scrub around the nether regions.

She is in a box inside, out of that nippy little wind & nice & warm to finish drying off.​
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Such a good girl.​

Good for you. It is not too bad. You have more to do than me. I like the mobile grooming site you gave created.

Mine is 5 ft tall. I do bang my head but I can sit. Perhaps we should look at doing a permanent run if this is how is going to be. I will volunteer to help pt it up.

Thank you Bob! I think they'll be good through winter as is. I'm hoping I get a diagnosis soon on my health and then Rich and I can move forward with buying a place (hopefully). Since we rent, I try not to do anything permanent.
And now I’m (again) all caught up! We are such a chatty bunch, and when I get busy with things here, wow is there a lot of catch up reading ;) and all the beautiful pictures help ease the sting of the near constant rain we’ve been having here.

As for Moulting, has anyone noticed an attitude mellowing in moulting roosters? Chickie Hawk has been less violent towards me lately, and I have to wonder if it has something to do with all the feathers he’s shedding! I won’t embarrass the poor boy with a photo of it, but oh boy, does he ever look bedraggled :gig Mrs Marans and Croppy’s feathers are coming back in, but I’m a little worried about my one Barnvelder girl. The latest lady to sport a hen saddle. I had to remove the saddle this morning, because after some torrential rain last night it was soaked through. The meat tractors are a little less weather proof than the layer ones :hmm which I need to start building out another one ASAP! I’m a little worried about her bare back with just a few feather stubs and the rain and the chilly weather. Has anyone ever tried to make a waterproof hen Saddle/jacket? Am I totally looney?

Far everyone facing and recovering from Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks :hugs :hugs :hugs
Remember you’re loved and appreciated by your Chooks, Kitties, and your Chicken Friends. Snuggle up with a warm cuppa something in a rug and give yourself a hug from everyone here. Unless you can find a willing cow to hug... then do that first, have a shower, then snuggle up ;) they’re warm and cuddly even when wet, but it’s like wet dog smell supersized!
Good evening Folks :frow

Jeannie, too soon to panic. But do keep an eye on her. If you can get it, put some oyster shell out free choice and see how she responds to it. You can also crush up some Tums and set it out for them. and the sunrise was still spectacular.

Whodat, loved the pillows...;)
Thanks rj :hugs
As long as they have oyster shell they should be fine, but getting extra calcium into them when they do soft shell or shell less is always good.

you might want to put on gloves and check up then hen’s vent to make sure there is no shell material left, if you haven’t already. :hugs

Depending on how often Lottie lays I would wait, keeping a close eye on her today and be prepared to lube up and check for a broken egg in her.

Thanks everyone. Checking up her vent is the one thing I didn't want to have to do. :eek: I will have to you tube before I try & she's so tiny...:hmm

@Kris5902 ~ Unfortunately today is a mainland day. Just waiting on enough light to go check everybody before we head out.
I'm curious, what form does their revenge take?
lol My MIL used to feed them ~ despite being warned. MIL went away for about a month . We hadn't seen the birds for a while but all of a sudden there was a big flock of them again & the whole lot of them were tossing big sticks onto the roof & onto heads & screaming like whirling dervishes! All because she'd stopped feeding them. They have been known to eat entire wooden cubby houses, all the wood around windows, door frames, verandah rails. Not nice birds...
@Ribh I agree with both Bob and @HuffleClaw on poor Lottie and Pebbles

Pebbles laid a perfectly normal egg. She just happened to lay it in my hand because I'd moved her onto the roost. One lettuce head between 10 girls shouldn't be too much so someone ate more than their share! :lol:
Do I need to panic? @BY Bob @rjohns39 @Kris5902
And anyone else who cares to have an opinion.

I have just come in from feeding the girls. Lottie was perched on my knee as usual but instead of hopping down when she was done she stayed. As all the girls have been hovering while I'm with them I thought nothing of it. Next thing I have egg yolk & a little white dribbling down my leg & every hen gobbling as fast as they could, including Lottie. I know the occasional shell-less egg happens. I am so not good @ this sort of thing. Do I hit the panic button? Should I be worried? Is there anything I should check for?

You have to check to see if she is egg bound. I started typing this a while ago. Let me see if others have answered.
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