Ribh's D'Coopage

Have you tried Helen Hollick. She did an Arthurian triology. She did a lot of research & I enjoyed them. Just don't mention Stephen Lawhead to me. He should never have been allowed to publish such drivel!!!!:barnie
I've not heard of either of them...I will have to find her trilogy & stay away from Mr Unmentionable! :gig
I will be hunting Easter eggs first thing in the morning. (They changed their nests to somewhere else) It's only two acres to search!:th
I'm so glad that my free range pen is only 110x50'! We have 5 acres & we used to let our Banty's roam, I never knew when a mama & her babies would pop up! Good luck finding the nests!
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I've not heard of either of them...I will have to find her trilogy & stay away from Mr Unmentionable! :gig
Lots of people loved him but he infuriates me. He muddles up his history, his timelines, & he never seemed able to decide if he was medieval Arthur, Pre~Roman, Arthur, or Post~ Roman Arthur. If you are going to reference real people ~ & both Talisien & Anurien were real poets & you can still read some of their poems in translation, then the very least you need to do is get your time periods right & not assume your readership is dumb & has no idea!
I have to agree with that, I loved the earlier books, but I still enjoyed the later books...there's quite a bit of sci-fi in me...I'm also a blend! :gig
I'm not a SciFi blend but you may throw in large dollops of accurate history if you like. :lol: I should have done archaeology not literature ~ but then all I ever wanted to dig up was Skara Brae. :gig
Lots of people loved him but he infuriates me. He muddles up his history, his timelines, & he never seemed able to decide if he was medieval Arthur, Pre~Roman, Arthur, or Post~ Roman Arthur. If you are going to reference real people ~ & both Talisien & Anurien were real poets & you can still read some of their poems in translation, then the very least you need to do is get your time periods right & not assume your readership is dumb & has no idea!
I can see where that would be very irritating, for a history buff! I'm one of the less informed! History didn't interest me when I was younger...I enjoy it much more now!
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