Ribh's D'Coopage

Our cats never seem content to just sleep next to us, for some reason they always wanted to wrap themselves around our heads :gig ...it was to much for hubs, who had to get up at 5 everyday and put in a 10 hour work day...so they had to be banished from the bedroom!
My sook~da~puss, Marlow [who is a rag doll X] likes to crawl into my arms & purr up a storm until I'm nearly asleep. He then moves to the bottom corner of the bed & stays there for the duration except in the coldest winter weather when he will curl against my tummy. Kirby is very nervy & I'm too restless a sleeper for him but he will often stand guard all night on the windowsill beside my side of the bed. The man says it's quite unnerving to wake in the middle of the night & see both cats awake & watching over me! :lau
I don't know MJ. He's spending an awful lot of time with me. Being single, perhaps I'm a bad influence.:oops::D
I love seeing how animals choose to develop their relationship with us. Some will always be standoffish but others make a long journey into intimacy.
I love training dogs, it's so much fun...admittedly some are better than others! I love cats too and have always had one until now...I feel they can be more demanding...especially early in the morning...when they think you should be up, because they are...so they sit outside your door and sing to you the song of their people and/or bang on the door...:gig
So funny. I usually wake up before the cats and those that are on my bed are quite bad tempered about having their beauty sleep disturbed. I don't get any singing in the morning. Well, until I go out to let the chickens out and then I get thoroughly yelled at!
The change in Donk after her sister got killed was very noticable. Some seem more effected by the loss of a flock mate than others.
Some, like with Gedit, the whole tribe goes to pieces for a while.
I dread to think what will happen when Fat Bird dies.
When Scary got taken by the fox (RIP Scary) her sisters really didn't care very much. They were jittery about the fox for about 10 mins and then back to life as normal. I remember thinking 'so much for the sisterhood!'.
It was Scary's death that brought me here as I felt so guilty and found you all so supportive.
I'm sorry, Bob. :hugsI only get that sort of behaviour when the girls first arrive but I will point out, the rest of us commenting are female. I have no idea why that would make a difference but I suspect it might.
Nothing to be sorry about. It just is. I think they are worried I might scoop them up. If I open the door to the run they all run into the extension to see what I'm going to do but won't come into the run until I settle. I will say that Daisy, the greatest hen ever, would come right at me when I opened the run trying to break out while Patsy and Lilly would hang back.

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