Ribh's D'Coopage

Most people aren't interested in her type of knowledge any more. Many people think the internet can and will answer all their questions. It is to a great extent true; the internet will give you answers, lots of them, each one different from the other.
Unfortunately many people will take the first answer they find......
Where this has become most noticeable ime is in the how to do things. There are many things that take years of teaching and practice to get right. A UTube vid doesn't really cover them.
Except crochet, youtubes are great for that. Right Shad? 😉
I won't. I won't even eat pastries that contain egg. The local baker thinks I'm crazy. Every time they bake a new line my first question is has it got egg in and my next is, can you make them with less sugar.
I'm sure I get caught out from time to time

I also have a 'no commercial egg' policy (although sometimes it gets relaxed in the interests of politeness). I will eat people's home-made stuff if they use backyard chicken eggs, but if it came from a supermarket, I won't eat it. That cuts out an awful lot of cake!

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