Ribh's D'Coopage

It's been one of those days.
I've had a few girls I've been a bit concerned about but between the weather & other things it has been impossible to investigate. Last night Morrigu roosted on the 2nd rail. This is so unlike her I was immediately concerned & watched her like a hawk while I was cleaning out the coop today. Her tail was down somewhat & she wasn't as active as she normally is & off by herself more than usual so in she came for electrolytes, probiotics, worm tablet & mite dusting. That I could even catch her without any drama says she's definitely not herself.
That's toast crumbs under her, not poop. :lol:
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Then Oshina & Titania both had poop clumping their fluffy butts so a trim was in order. I prefer to trim rather than wash because it stops it happening again until they get their rear ends sorted.
Ceres has seemed off for several days ~ but not sick ~so she was the next one out. Electrolytes & Pesterene dusting because I found a couple of mites on her. Hopefully that's everyone now sorted & I don't have major dramas developing.​
Great chickeneering identifying problems before they get too far. Good job! 👍
I wanted to clean the coop but halfway through I had a line~up of girls wanting the nesting boxes. What was interesting, which I think I missed because Titania jumped up on me & the camera, is when Beatha laid the only hen not screaming her head of was... Beatha. Everyone else did the screaming for her. Titania did lay in the box with all the eggs in it. She wanted out to lay in the straw bale, her prefered nesting site, & got quite wild because she could see it but couldn't reach it. Once Beatha had laid Aoefa shooed her out so she could use that box. 🙄 All in all I got about 7 eggs to day. The floodgates are about to open.
What a wonderful trip to the tropics. That campine was not happy. 🤣
He's the loudest at meowing when so.ething is not how he likes it! I'm really starting to like this one, but I don't really want to get rid of my chickens and we really don't need 5 cats!
I don't know that 'need' is the way to think about it - he needs you more than you need him. And having at various stages with at least 6 cats I can assure you that once you are past two an incremental cat isn't a huge deal.
I know feed cost is a concern, I wonder if you can get any bulk buy discounts like Sam's Club.
I don't know that 'need' is the way to think about it - he needs you more than you need him. And having at various stages with at least 6 cats I can assure you that once you are past two an incremental cat isn't a huge deal.
I know feed cost is a concern, I wonder if you can get any bulk buy discounts like Sam's Club.
That is true. Growing up at one point we had 10 cats. I'll wait to see how everything plays out over the next 8 to 10 weeks. It's not like they will be leaving any time soon.

Olivia is a snuggle buggle.
I am her favourite perch.​


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