Ribh's D'Coopage

Despite have 1/2 an acre in the middle of suburbia I have seen very few wild birds in the garden. There are the usual suspects: rosellas, kookaburras, magpies, blue faced honey eaters & pigeons. I was super thrilled to find wood ducks this morning. They do an even better job than the chooks @ cleaning up the bugs ~ & bugs there were in plenty . There are three big raised vegetable beds, a double row of fruit trees & a low bed of tomatoes & basil. The basil was rife with katydids ~ who have suddenly found their food haven a very dangerous arena indeed. My chooks have been waxing fat on them.​
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Most of the hard work has already been done & there are already plenty of vine vegetables running rampant up the wire: cucumber, cherry tomatoes , & sweet potato. The only one of those I actually eat is sweet potato. I have been adding the things I like: strawberries with their companion herbs of dill & coriander...I made sure to choose plants with plenty of runners so I get a better bang for my buck! šŸ˜…
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Butter beans, french green beans, zucchini, silverbeet, Rosemary & lots & lots of parsley!
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I walk the dogs through the local wildlife strip most days. The signs say to watch for koalas. All I've seen have been the wallabies!:lau This is a whip tail but I've also seen one of the orange macropods. I didn't get a good look as the grandies were arguing about non~existant snakes.šŸ™„ There is abundant bird life but my eyes are no longer sharp enough to identify most of it ~ only birds I'm already really familiar with like drongos, rufus fantails, mistletoes, noisy friar birds & down by the creek amongst the lantana I'm pretty sure there are wrens.

The cats have mostly adjusted. The dogs have settled & the chooks have been busily hiding eggs ~ but more of that later....:th
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This looks amazing, Ribh! Sorry Iā€™m so far behind on your thread. Sid you just move there?

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