RIP Big Guy

So sorry you lost your roo, Carolyn. I lost a really good GLW rooster myself that way. They protect their flock at all costs.......
If the run fence was tall or simply a tall outdoor roost with a shade was available, maybe the birds could roost outside out of range when danger approaches> especially if the uprights were slick metal or PVC and a poop board or something similar was ther to block jumping fox
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this brings tears to my eyes, they die in the face of bravery, We salute you Big Guy!
Thanks for all the concern and suggestions. I know I need to get another roo, probably 2 but not really in the mood if you know what I mean. One of you said it well, picking a roo is a crap shoot. I sure got a good one last time but next time?????

Sorry for all of you who have lost your roos also. I know this is a bad time of year with foxes and other preds but once they discover your chicken bar they keep coming back for more good food. I did notice foxes several miles from here that looked pretty thin and puny; the ones I've seen around here look way too healthy.

If you have any more suggestions for breeds, don't worry about compatiblity with the young BO roo I have. I already decided I did not want him to be the dominate chicky father around here. He reacts horribly to cold weather (not that he actually knows what that is), is very docile and not that pretty of a bird. I did go for less flighty birds and heavier birds BR & BO added to the wellies thinking they would be less likely to fly out of the pen. I have had birds that free ranged at will, flying in and out whenever they chose and they would do fine for months at a time then there would be a predator picnic. Nearly all my problems have been daytime. I have only once had something get in the house at night.
i feel ur lost...just yesterday i lost 2 hens 2 a fox...the next batch of chicks i get im gettin a couple of roos 2 protect the flock...
Oh I am so so sorry
RIP Big Guy What a wonderful boy you had...he sacrificed himself for his ladies. I almost lost my big boy just a few days ago...he did not hesitate to place himself in harms way...I was able to save him but he would have died without hesitation. You can see my big boy and read the story here....

your Big Guy was just as honorable and dignified.
I do not agree Carolyn...most roos are good ones. It is genetically a part of them. I have had 3 LF roos and all of them were and are good ones. I think it is a matter of raising them with respect and affection but allowing them to be roos. There will be jerks in every breed.

I recommend an Orp roo. I especially recommend a son of Suede
I have 4 of his babies just hatched and I am sure there will be a little boy among them...if we can figure out how to get him to you when I know who he is...he is yours.

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Cetawin, I live in NW TN. It might be doable and much appreciated. I had problems because I had so many roos in the past but I have had some good roos that I raised. This was my first experience buying a grown roo but I did get him from the same owner who sold me some great hens in the past and the Wellies are a nice temperament. Your chicks are sweet looking. I am glad you did not loose your roo.

Countryway, I am so sorry you lost your hens. A roo really is an important part of the flock. I love how they call the others for treats, bugs, etc. and how they sound the predator alarm and everyone freezes or hides. I love to hear them crow even too early in the morning. Wakes the ladies up and mine always seem to lay their best with a roo around.
Carolyn that is very doable...there is another BYCer who is a friend...she lives in Knoxville area and comes to the Lexington area every couple of months...and we send and exchange birds via her travels several times. So, consider a boy of these babies yours. His daddy is Speckledhen's Blue Orp roo, Suede over her Buff Orp X hen, Meg. He will be big and beautiful and sweet. Speckledhen only knows of one of his sons that was a jerk. I have had two of them and they were both dolls...and real good boys.
I can sympathize with everyone on this page, I lost 17 hens to what must have been stray dogs all at once, My poor Roo tried so hard but he could not save them, He ended up hiding, I found the massacre when I got home from work, I called to anybody who was left and 7 hens and a poor limping Odin came out of hiding, this was 3 weeks ago and to this day he still does not act like himself, like he can't forgive himself for not saving them, I haven't free ranged them since which only adds to the sadness but I'm so scared to loose anyone else, I grabbed all the eggs that were left from my favorite ladies and threw them in the incubator. I had some young birds that were going to chicken stock that I put in with Odin hoping to cheer him up, but he has a broken heart and I think only time will fix him.
I'm sorry for everyone's Losses

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