RIP Kramer


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
Kramer (04-19-2014 to 07-16-2014)

Kramer was a special little guy. We lost him today, don't know how but that's not what I want to get into. I'd just like to say a few words about him and how special he was.

Kramer was our "mystery chick" from Murray McMurray. What a wonderful surprise he was. We identified him as a White Crested Black Polish by his unusual and very handsome head. He came to us along with 15 little girls and was our only rooster. All of our other birds are named after our friends but with a hair-do like his, how could we name him anything but Kramer after one of our Jerry Seinfield characters?

When Kramer's head feathers started growing out, the girls found way too much delight in pulling them out so Kramer got his very own bachelor pad (adjoined to the girls but protected by 2"x4" wire).

He was such a happy little guy, always singing. His voice was just starting to change and for the past week he was practicing a croaky crow which always got a lot of attention from the girls and us.

Kramer's favorite food was blueberries. I'd sneak them to him when the girls weren't looking as our bushes aren't producing enough for all of the chickens plus us.

He was easily startled due to his big head feathers and didn't really appreciate a giant hand reaching in to pick him up but once held securely in my arms, he would snuggle and sing.

My husband and I are going to miss our little guy. He was a special bird in a lot of ways. He was loved for his quirky nature and handsomeness. We hadn't ever planned on getting him so he was a special gift. Even the girls seem to be missing him, they all went back into the coop after we found him and have been very quiet.

I guess when you have animals, you have to expect some losses but when a chicken is not "just a chicken", it still hurts.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Sorry about the loss of Kramer :hugs sounds like he was a special little guy and found his way into your hearts. I am sure he had a good life with you and getting spoiled with blueberries, even if it unfortunately wound up short.
- so sorry, sounds like Kramer lived a wonderful, if short, life and was well loved in his time with you.
Thank you for your kind words Kelsie and Ol Grey Mare.
Mother Nature sets to work in creating Devine beauty in living things every moment. Your little Kramer was one of those special gifts. Though losing such a friend can be hard as I've experienced, I believe the rooster lived a full, happy life. With such a caring family, why wouldn't he? Best of luck with your flock.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing any kind of a pet is hard, because they are often members of our families. I'm new to chickens, so I haven;t lost one yet, but I know it will eventually happen and I'm not looking forward to it. I wish you and your husband the best.
Thank you everyone. Once again, the generosity of BYC members comes through when needed. For anyone considering breeds of chickens, take a look at the Polish. You could find they are amusing and beautiful companions and a fun addition (or beginning) for your flock.
It's really hard having animals when you have to say good bye. Some people have told me about my hen Jenny " it was just a chicken " but really they are an animal. Just like their cat or dog. We loved them like they love their pets and should always be treated the same way. Kramer will now be eating all the blueberries he wants on the rainbow bridge <3
It's really hard having animals when you have to say good bye. Some people have told me about my hen Jenny " it was just a chicken " but really they are an animal. Just like their cat or dog. We loved them like they love their pets and should always be treated the same way. Kramer will now be eating all the blueberries he wants on the rainbow bridge <3
I love that last sentence about him eating all the blueberries he made me smile!

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