Ripley, the 4 legged chicken!?

I think we need weekly Ripely updates.

I'll try to keep on top of it. You all have permission to yell at me if I slack?

Maybe I missed the info if it was already posted.... but what breed is she? Or was this a 'mixed egg layer' bin.

She's just a regular golden comet. Typical red sex link type

That's what I thought I saw. Great pic.
Wonders what hatchery it came from?

Thanks! I can find out :)
She is adorable!!!

Also I think I have heard of this before or at least similar.

I think it is called Polymelia and chickens (and also cows, humans, etc., can happen in lots of animals) are born with extra limbs whether that’s extra legs or extra wings (or arms), or whatever. But apparently it is not too uncommon. Not exactly common either but it does happen. I think there was another thread on here fairly recently, maybe a couple months ago, about someone with a chicken with the condition. I think that one might have had extra legs too. You might be able to find it by typing polymelia or extra limbs or similar in the search box.

And here is some info I found on it. Pretty interesting. And it seems most chickens can live relatively normal lives even with the extra limbs. :)
Several years ago, I did an eggtopsy on my unhatched eggs and found a chick with four legs!
A science professor told me about the polymelia and suggested an embryo was only partially absorbed.
The chick was preserved in formaldihyde and a science teacher had it in her collection.

Happy to see Ripley is an active healthy chick!

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