RIR and BA not laying at 6 1/2 months.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
I have a Rhode Island and a Black Australorp that are 6 1/2 months old and not laying yet. I have a Buff Orpington that I purchased at the same time as the others and she started laying 2 weeks ago. Is there somthing wrong? Oh...I also have a White Rock that has been laying since she was 4 months and 3 days (she is 7 months now)
My BO just started laying at 8 months and the Australorp and RIR are both STILL not laying. According to my thread where I asked it sounds normal. Could be winter, could be just a waiting game. Let's all hope that tomorrow is the day! Ha ha
This is normal, chickens just like kids are on their own schedule some grow up fast some don't. The shorter days are not helping either. The white rock started laying early so don't judge the other girls by her performance. About the only thing I can tell you that may help is that it seems like my girls that take longer to lay seem to start out laying bigger eggs I have 5 white rocks all the same age and the last one to lay(7 months ) seems to be my best layer.I know waiting is hard but it will happen.
Unfortunately, your pullets came to maturity during the deepest, darkest, coldest days of winter. Although, you don't say where you live. One must assume.

You also don't say whether you provide any supplemental light. You can either provide that, or just wait for spring. The days grow longer a wee bit each day now.
I have an EE that just laid her first egg at 21 weeks (I'm so excited) BUT in the other run and coop are our older hens and I still am waiting for a SLW and EE to lay and they are 27 weeks:( Here's to waiting!
It's perfectly normal. Every bird matures at a different rate. However,due to the weather many birds will not start their laying until spring comes around.
Thank you guys for reassuring me. I live in the mountains of Southern California. It's zone 8b so we have frost, snow, low temps and also highs. Odd climate. We do not supplement light as we want to keep the chickens on a natural cycle. If they never laid an egg I'd be sad, but they are my pets. Okay, I'd be really, really sad, Ha ha.
I have quioe a few girls that are 7-8 months old that haven't started laying yet, most likely due to lack of daylight. They'll get there.

I want a natural cycle too, and I figure since they're first years, they don't need the winter off to molt and recover, so I've started adding light in the morning - just backing it up 15 min every other day and see what happens eventually. It's like I'm jump-starting them a little early, but not too much, since it will take a while to build up to 12 or more hours of light.

Good luck!

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