RIR --- Doug or Donna?


8 Years
Aug 18, 2011
Hi All!

On April 7th, I got 2 RIR chicks. They were approx. 2 weeks old. I was told they had been sexed and were both females. As they started to grow, I noticed that "Doug" was developing a lot slower than Peggy Sue. I had read online that this was an indication of a Roo. Well they are now a little over 4 months old, and I still can't tell! Peggy Sue has started laying (just started 2 days ago!!!) and has given us 2 eggs so far. "Doug" on the other hand has produced none but still hasn't crowed. His crown and wattles are much smaller than Peggy Sue's and he is also VERY aggressive. In the photos "Doug" in in the back. Any ideas?



both looks like pullets to me. just like humans, chickens will mature at different times, some breeds faster than another, but even chickens of the same breeds can mature at slightly different rates.

congrats on the eggs
It's Donna. If it were a cockerel then you would definitely have been told by him a long time ago.
And I've heard that RIR can be aggresive -- even the females. Not, you know, really bad, but just perhaps unnecessarily .. "rude."
look like my RIR girlies! Congrats on the eggs. I am waiting patiently for my first ones. Should be a few more weeks.

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