RIR Eggs in Al SOLD


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
12+ eggs for 20 dollars shipping included. Paypal [email protected]. First one who says sold and paypal gets them. Mail Monday.

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All eggs arrived beautifully! I dig those birds and the colors are awsome!

I got one supposely red Leghorn but it has a rose comb so can you send me a pic of your two week to a month old RIR chick? I want to make sure that it was not one of MM exotic freebie.

Otherwise it looks like some kind of Golden Pencilled Hamburg pattern but not sure of it yet. Its red all right but got some dark reddish buff wings with some black barrings.
They get funny markings before they get the dark red. almost looks like black barring on the wings. It disappears as they feather in good though I will try to take a pic for you
OK Julie,
I will look forward to getting them!

I have not candled the Orp eggs yet...they are under a broody hen. I don't want to bother her to much so I am only going to candle once around day 12 which will be Tuesday. So I am...

Hey Julie...
The eggs arrived today! None broken...
THANK YOU for the extra eggs. You are very generous!
Is the egg with an "S" on it a surprise egg? I LOVE surprises!

ALL of my RIR eggs tested fertile! Now its up to them to finish up to day 21! Two silkie eggs were duds but the rest of them got bulls eye! Wooo hoooooo!

The Silkies are all spoken for....look out future 4Hers!
Mitzi, I am sorry. I wrapped so many eggs i was dizzy. I guess I must have put a Orpie egg in your box. S is for Splash roo over Blue/black/splash.

Ewesheep, I am so excited for you. I hope they all hatch for you.

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