RIR help? What's up with my girl


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Brooktrails CA
We have a Rhode Island Red hen I'm a bit concerned about. As far as I can tell she's the bottom of the order which might explain her behavior? When we bring in fruit/ greens etc she often stays behind until the others lose interest then eats what is left which makes me think bottom. We often find her napping in the coop during the day while everyone else is outside. She just started laying about a week ago while the rest of my same age flock have been laying for over a month. Now we want to bring in our three 12-15wk old chicks and she tried violently attacking them by knocking them down and pecking their necks. We've separated them again. The chicks have been in a coop and run within the coop for months so they're familliar. All the rest of the flock seem fine with the chicks. What's up with my girl? Is this typical? Any ideas?
It does sound like she's at the bottom of the pecking order. Do the other hens give her a hard time when she's with them? How about at roosting time?

I haven't had any experience introducing chicks to a flock yet, so I can't comment first hand. I have heard that it's not uncommon for the lowest bird to be the meanest to the new members though. Probably trying to make sure she isn't below THEM too when things play out. I guess it's like the bully at school... Often being picked on at home....
She's not especially picked on. Our Barred rock who's the biggest, fattest hen gives everyone a hard time but im sure its because shes she's top hen. Since the top hen is our only barred rock in the original flock and the chicks are three more barred I wonder if that has anything to do with it too. When roosting she's usually on the shelf with the rest but is occasionally on the floor. It makes sense making sure she's not under the chicks as well. I guess we will be letting the chicks get to completely full grown before we try to integrate them again. Which leads to my next problem with my daughters wanting to add bantams for 4H. Ahh chicken problems haha

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