RIR Hen or Roo?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2022
Hey y’all, I’m new to chicken raising, I live in city limits where we cannot have roosters: my flock is 14 weeks old, I posted on Reddit and there’s mixed opinions on one of my “hopefully” hens. What do you guys think, is she a he? they were “sexed” by the hatchery, but would rather get rid of it if it is a rooster sooner rather than later, I’m already growing Attached :(


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my flock is 14 weeks old
Welcome to BYC! :frow

No mixing of opinion for THIS bird here,
100% she's a pullet! :wee

In addition to her small & pale comb and wattles at the stated age and for the breed (production red type).. Starting around 10-12 weeks is when pointy saddle feathers appear.. usually well in and flowing like this around 16 weeks.. examples from google..

100% pullet. Seems to me that people pf Reddit need to stick to things other than chickens.
Haha thanks, they were saying she could possibly be a late bloomer because of how here tail was curling and some of her back feathers were looking a little pointy, but others said she was a Pullet, so they told me to come here :)
Welcome to BYC! :frow

No mixing of opinion for THIS bird here,
100% she's a pullet! :wee

In addition to her small & pale comb and wattles at the stated age and for the breed (production red type).. Starting around 10-12 weeks is when pointy saddle feathers appear.. usually well in and flowing like this around 16 weeks.. examples from google..
View attachment 3142876
View attachment 3142879
This makes me so happy, I was so worried I may have to get rid of her, one of my girls makes a “crow type noise” so that’s what made me start questioning:)
Haha thanks, they were saying she could possibly be a late bloomer because of how here tail was curling and some of her back feathers were looking a little pointy, but others said she was a Pullet, so they told me to come here :)
Tail means nothing at this age. By the time a tail does maybe mean something, boys will be evident in 47494 other ways already. Pointy tail feathers never mean anything.

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