RIR X White leghorn . . . know of any?


Bird of A Different Feather
11 Years
Dec 20, 2008
Boise, Idaho
I had only one silkie hatch a month ago so I ran down to my local hatchery to beg for a companion chick. They were done hatching for the year so I thought it was a wasted trip . . . but NOT!
They had in a batch of chicks they had bought for breeding puposes for next year. So they sold me one "Red Brit" and said it was a Rhode Island Red crossed with a White Leghorn.
I thought "oh no, another crazy meanie, I'll just sell her when the silkie is old enough to put out with the others" BUT this has turned out to be the sweetest best personality chick ever! What is up with that??? So I called and wanted to buy more, but they wouldn't sell them and they wouldn't tell me where they got them. . .

Sooo . . . anyone out there know of a hatchery selling their hybrids under the name "Red Brit"?
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I never heard them called that- but you could easily make your own. You can get as few as 3 chicks from MPC, or you could get the rainbow layer special they have now (25 girls for 42$) and maybe get some reds & leghorns. Don't think they guarantee what you get in the mix though. Hope this helps a little!

ETA: Now that I think about it- look into Hubbard. They are commercial, but I think you can order chicks from them. They have some kind of production cross like your Red Brit.
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thanks, i could do it myself, but I don't really like RIR or leghorns and wouldn't want to put up with them for a breeding program. I looked up Hubbard hatchery in TN but it seems like they have only meat production birds.
Somebody out there has to know of a hatchery carrying this cross . . .?
There is no reason why you couldn't make this cross for youself, if you wish. If the leghorn is the male you could do a sex link on rate of feather growth.
As for the name.....I expect someone has made it up.
I know I get that, although the hatchery told me they were not sex linked. I just would like to find the particular hatchery selling them under this name. But thanks for answering I appreciate the help.

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