Risk of diseases from backyard ducks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 19, 2014
Northern California
I have two lovely, four month old Cayuga ducks. I have raised them from week-old ducklings.
They live in a penned-in area of the back yard, and sleep at night in a predator proof coop that we built out of a wine barrel. There is a kiddie pool that we dump and refill every few days in their pen.
My concern is this: I have recently been reading about the sicknesses that backyard ducks can transmit to humans and to dogs. Salmonella, E coli, and Campylobacteriosis can (easily?) be spread just by filling their waterers or food containers and then not quickly washing your hands? These bacteria are brought into your house on the bottom of your shoes? Dogs are getting sick from being exposed to the bacteria in the soil? YIKES!
Is the internet making me paranoid?
The constant duck-poop-water- dumping from the kiddie pool is messy - and now I'm feeling worried. We have a new puppy who spends a lot of time exploring the back yard, including the perimeter of the duck pen.
I do wash my hands frequently throughout the day. I get the importance of hand washing.
Yes and no .All common barnyard bacteria . Follow good hygiene . Let the water dry out between dumps . Rubber boots around the ducks that stay out of the house . I have this theory that we have been trying to kill all bacteria instead of adjusting to it . Our bodies never come into contact with bacteria. And now they are making us sick . Don't let the dog play in the duck poop and bring it in the house I really think you get more bacteria breathing than any other way. But don't hold your breath too long . Watch for signs of illness and treat accordingly . If you and the dog are still alive in a month post again .:lau
Yes and no .All common barnyard bacteria . Follow good hygiene . Let the water dry out between dumps . Rubber boots around the ducks that stay out of the house . I have this theory that we have been trying to kill all bacteria instead of adjusting to it . Our bodies never come into contact with bacteria. And now they are making us sick . Don't let the dog play in the duck poop and bring it in the house I really think you get more bacteria breathing than any other way. But don't hold your breath too long . Watch for signs of illness and treat accordingly . If you and the dog are still alive in a month post again .:lau
All good advice - thanks!
My husband usually puts them into their sleeping-coop at night, and then he wears the same shoes into the house. He admits that he probably won't change, heh. So I have to decide if the ducks are worth the risks. They are cute and funny. Hmm.
I think you might be a bit too concerned?.....Of course washing your hands is always a good idea....I have 5 Dogs and they all drink from my Ducks kiddie pools, the one even swims in it to keep the Ducks out.....I have bowls out for drinking around my yard and all use them...I have never had an issue with sick Dogs or humans yet.....
I think you might be a bit too concerned?.....Of course washing your hands is always a good idea....I have 5 Dogs and they all drink from my Ducks kiddie pools, the one even swims in it to keep the Ducks out.....I have bowls out for drinking around my yard and all use them...I have never had an issue with sick Dogs or humans yet.....
Wow, good to know! I do feel better. Thanks. :)

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