Risk of moving


6 Years
Oct 5, 2013
Hiya people!
We have a polish who is 1 week into being broody. Because of coop limitations, she is not able to go outside. She is looking dirty, her crest is brown-ish in places, instead of white. I know that a dirty looking chicken usually isn't healthy. I'm debating bringing her outside to the dust bath place, so that she can clean off, and then bringing her back to her eggs. Is it worth the risk of her abandoning them?
Hiya people!
We have a polish who is 1 week into being broody. Because of coop limitations, she is not able to go outside. She is looking dirty, her crest is brown-ish in places, instead of white. I know that a dirty looking chicken usually isn't healthy. I'm debating bringing her outside to the dust bath place, so that she can clean off, and then bringing her back to her eggs. Is it worth the risk of her abandoning them?

If she is truly broody she won't waste any time getting back to the eggs. But my broody hens will only dust bathe once or twice while brooding. You can try taking her out but just make sure she can get back in quickly if that's what she wants.

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