Roaming dogs killed my ducks.


10 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Grand Bay, Alabama
I had ten beautiful innocent Fawn and White Indian Runners, happy, and what I thought was secure. I've been running off other folks dogs when they come around. But today I came home from work to find all of my ducks dead. Not eaten like a hungry predator got to them, just killed. I thought I had a secure pen for them but my mistake was putting the hardware cloth inside the framing instead of out side where it would be able to handle more pressure. I know it was dogs, they weren't killed for food. I don't know why people let their dogs roam free.They are a menace to society. If you have dogs take note, if they come on my land they will rot where they drop. My poor babies, they were such sweet creatures with awesome personalities.
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So sorry for your loss, that's heartbreaking about your ducks. Dogs are a real menace to backyard flocks. We have a lot of them around us too so I know the frustration of dealing with unchecked roaming ones. Is it possible you could at least get some compensation from the owners so you could get some more ducks?

It sounds like you know now what went wrong with your set up but these 2 links might give you some more information on protecting your birds:
I don't know who the dogs owners are, or where they live. I don't really care about compensation anyway. Dog owners should know they have a responsibility. Me, I plan to SSS every dog that gets inside my fences from here on out. I still have my chickens to look after and I'm fortifying their enclosure, but I have no sympathy for uncontrolled dogs. I've got plenty of room on my property to put roaming dogs where they belong.
The first step is to fix your fences. If dogs can get in, so can coyotes, raccoons, and pretty much everything else.

Dog owners have a responsibility, but so do you.
My fences are good. My weak point was my gate. I did everything I could think of to protect my ducks and my chickens. I had a sound pen, or so I thought. The dogs found one weak link, I'll fix that and reassess / fortify my other pens. I took today off to do just that. Don't lecture me on my responsibilities. I shouldn't have to worry about other peoples domesticated animals. Bottom line is if you have dogs and you can't keep them on your property expect them to die.
You know the more I think about it, the more PO'd I get. I can put up defenses for wild animals, and have. I have the Nite Guard lites around all my pens, netting on top to keep hawks out. But domesticated animals (dogs) have no fear of humans or anything involving humans. That really makes them the most dangerous predator to me.
All of my ducks are dead, but I have 11 eggs laid within the last 2 days. I reckon we'll hatch them out and go on as best we can. I'll make more fortifications to the coop and wait for my time to dispatch the dogs when they come again. I'll name my new drakes Smith & Wesson. If you have dogs, please control them. I don't want to have to kill them because their owners were ignorant.
I am so sorry for your losses. I would be heart broken if all my ducks were killed at one time.

When I built my coop and pen, I built a double wall of fence. The framework is 4x4 posts with 2x4 connectors on top and bottom. On the outside of the pen, I attached 2"x4" field fencing. It is stapled in with 2" staples from an air gun, and then reinforced with screws and fender washers. On the inside, I have 1/2" hardware wire attached the same way. The two fences are separated by 3.5" (the width of the 4x4 post). The field fence keeps large predators out, and the hardware wire keeps anything small from reaching in. If I ever needed to, I would add a several electric wires along the outside of the pen and coop. All of this should keep out most any predator. Good luck in hatching out the new ducks, and improving the coop's defenses.
Thank you for your kind reply. I will rebuild my fence for the duck pen while the new babies incubate. Actually the only issue I had was my gate, but I like your ideas and don't want to lose any more ducks. They were such sweet and innocent/defenseless creatures, all killed in a matter of minutes by roaming pet dogs. It's like my pen trapped them instead of protecting them. Some may have survived if they could have made it to the pond. It has been a rough couple of days, but there will be no mercy for roaming dogs.
You know the more I think about it, the more PO'd I get. I can put up defenses for wild animals, and have. I have the Nite Guard lites around all my pens, netting on top to keep hawks out. But domesticated animals (dogs) have no fear of humans or anything involving humans. That really makes them the most dangerous predator to me. sorry for your losses. My dogs are LGD and they keep the predators out. I do not have secure coops but have never had a problem with anything. We do have a dog that comes onto our property but he stays far away from the fenced area with my Great Pyrenees and livestock.

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