Roo--feathers coming off on tips of wings


5 Years
Jul 19, 2018
St Augustine FL
My rooster Copper has feathers coming off at the tips of his wings
Maybe someone could diagnosis the problem by looking the photos I posted


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Oh my that looks strange. Almost looks like he or another bird stripped them. Have you checked him real good for mites? The only thing that comes to mind is deplumbing mites.

Sorry you've been left hanging so to speak. Seems like there's been an influx of emergencies the last few days. Let's tag a few people to try and get some opinions. @azygous @casportpony @Wyorp Rock
I've seen this in my flock. But I associated it with wear and tear and molting time getting near. If he flaps his wings in a confined spot, he could be wearing the tips down. For example, roosters love to crow upon entering or exiting the coop. The narrow opening would create wear on his feathers.

I've considered depluming mites, but the problem was isolated to one or two chickens so I discounted it.
It does look like it could be from flapping against hardware cloth or a door frame frequently.

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