Roo molting in the cold autumn

Sometimes not. Chickens moult during their second year. Sometimes they moult so slow you can`t even tell it and sometimes they seem to drop all their feathers at once annd appear nekkid. Just be patient and let nature take it`s course..........POp
I rarely ever close the shutters on my coop. However today we got hit with a cold front and rain. DH insisted I close the shutters tonight because even he felt sorry for my naked chickens. My roo is almost finished molting, but some of my girls look pitiful!
My rooster is starting to molt and he is only about 24 weeks old. Is that not normal? I read in one of the posts that they do it in their second year.
He may just be still in the process of getting his adult plumage. My gang went thru several episodes of that before they truly looked like adult birds.
A newbie going into my henhouse would think I was really spoiling the girls. The floor looks like a feather bed!
2 mutts, 2 Australorps and 1 buff Orp are doing what I call "shedding".

My Hylines didn't molt last year and I wonder if they ever will. Poor old things are so hybridized, all they knew how to do was eat, drink, poop and lay eggs. Now that they're about 3 1/2 they don't even lay any more. Welcome to the retirement home!
My 1.5 year old hens are in various stages of the moult. They do look pathetic! One has naked butt, the other lookes like a hedgehog from another planet and the rest just don't look like themselves. From the outside, they look as if neglecetd on all levels, where in fact they live pamperd lives. I will be glad to see the ladies restored with new feathers. Oh, and of course they are on hiatus in terms of egg production. They do deserve a break.
YOu were right gritsar. After looking closer I could see the new follicles where the feathers were growing in. He looked kinda wierd for a while but is better now.

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