roo or hen ameraucana please help!


In the Brooder
May 29, 2019
ive been told my black amer. is a roo and a hen. is anyone familiar with the black amera. they seem to be harder to tell then the lighter colors because they seem to get more red. one of my neighbors has hens that look familiar to my black one. i know for a fact my splash is roo. they are 4 months old. thanks
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Oh boy, I have one that looks exactly like this which of course I think is a Hen, however the one that we are positive is a rooster has started to attack just about all of them. I'm wondering if my black one is a male also and just not crowing, because our Mr. Clucker is really aggressive, they are all about 20 weeks. Not sure what to do, should I separate him from the rest? This is my first time with chickens so just learning the ropes.

Good morning, @fatbeamie! You should start a new thread here and post pictures of your suspect cockerel. We'll be happy to help with gender ID and offer suggestions with what to do if you have behavioral issues.
If you're unsure how to start your own thread, just click on the link I gave you then click on the "Post New Thread" blue button at the top of that page. Then enter your title in the title bar, upload a file with a picture of you suspect, type in your text and hit "Create Thread".
That's why he isn't crowing! He doesn't want to get the crap knocked out of him.
actually the two occasions i seen the the black one run up to thenrooster he stood taller and the white rooster that crows backed down. the black one has always been the boss out of all of them
Oh boy, I have one that looks exactly like this which of course I think is a Hen, however the one that we are positive is a rooster has started to attack just about all of them. I'm wondering if my black one is a male also and just not crowing, because our Mr. Clucker is really aggressive, they are all about 20 weeks. Not sure what to do, should I separate him from the rest? This is my first time with chickens so just learning the ropes.
Oh boy, I have one that looks exactly like this which of course I think is a Hen, however the one that we are positive is a rooster has started to attack just about all of them. I'm wondering if my black one is a male also and just not crowing, because our Mr. Clucker is really aggressive, they are all about 20 weeks. Not sure what to do, should I separate him from the rest?
Oh boy, I have one that looks exactly like this which of course I think is a Hen, however the one that we are positive is a rooster has started to attack just about all of them. I'm wondering if my black one is a male also and just not crowing, because our Mr. Clucker is really aggressive, they are all about 20 weeks. Not sure what to do, should I separate him from the rest? This is my first time with chickens so just learning the ropes.
post a pic
actually the two occasions i seen the the black one run up to thenrooster he stood taller and the white rooster that crows backed down. the black one has always been the boss out of all of them
So the white one isn't a rooster? Are they the same age? If so, he is a cockerel. Have they sparred yet? Are they breeding the pullets? You will quickly see who is dominant and who is not when that nonsense starts.
Standing taller does not always mean they are more dominant. I've seen many occasions where a chicken ran up and stood tall next to a chicken laying on the ground only to have the one laying on the ground peck her in the face.

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