Roo or hen?


6 Years
Aug 18, 2013
This is a 10 week old Easter Egger. It hasn't crowed but has very big and red comb. What does everyone think? I'm very new to having chickens!!
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That is 100% a cockerel. And, it doesn't really look like an Easter Egger to me. It looks more like an ordinary crossbred, with some Barred Rock or Cuckoo Marans background. Most Easter Egger cockerels have a pea comb and muffs, not a single comb and an unfeathered face. If it is indeed an Easter Egger, the chances of it carrying a blue-egg gene is rather low, as it does not have a pea comb.
Rooster. I agree, I don't see any Easter egger there, but he's similar to my young guys that have a part barred daddy and a mutt momma.
Well darn, I really wanted the Easter Eggers to have fun colored eggs for my children. The woman I got him from said she would take back any chicks that turned out to be roosters. The other one I got form her is all black and very tiny. Is that common for an EE? Also, the roo in my profile pic has the puffy cheeks so is he part EE. The came from my daughter's kindergarten class this spring.
EEs are not really a breed, and are mixed anyway, so there's really no 'common' for them. You can call your roo an EE. To me personally, an ideal EE would have a pea comb, muff/beard, lay green/blue eggs, and have willow/slate legs. But you can subtract, add, mix, and play with any of those features and still technically have an 'EE'.

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