roo or hen?

What makes you think she is a pullet?  Everyone else seems to think it is a rooster.  Just trying to understand everyone's reasonings...

It's definitely a rooster. There are always new folks learning here but sometimes they aren't clear that they are guessing.
It's definitely a rooster. There are always new folks learning here but sometimes they aren't clear that they are guessing.

I do wish that people who are guessing would say so, or would at least say how confident they are in their assessment. I try to always let folks know if I'm only 80% sure, for example.

But this specific bird... 1000% rooster!
We got two different conversations going on here, sorry.

swindelchick, your bird is male. Sex link 101...

If you have a barred hen, like a barred Rock, Dominique, cuckoo Marans, etc, and you breed her to a non-barred, non-white rooster, you get sex linked chicks, meaning the sex is linked to the color of the bird. Males hatch out with a white/cream spot on their heads and will be barred when the feather in. Females hatch out with solid dark heads and will be solid colors as they feather in. Since your bird is barred, it's male. Besides all the other male indicators like sex feathers, comb, etc

Melabella, you should probably start a new thread for your conversation as continuing it here is causing a lot of confusion as to who is talking about what bird
I do like your blue eggs!
We got two different conversations going on here, sorry.

Melabella, you should probably start a new thread for your conversation as continuing it here is causing a lot of confusion as to who is talking about what bird
I do like your blue eggs!
Yes, I was going to apologize for that earlier, Sorry everyone, and thank you again donrae for your information!

I just gave up two 12 week old (half silkie half barred rock) that had similar neck feathering and saddle feathering because one started to crow... how old is it? They were just starting to get some shinny feathers in. I don't know the breed but it sure looks like my roo's... Is it hackling up those neck feathers? If there arent' any shinny feathering coming in and its not fluffying up its neck, then maybe its just the breed... I don't know I'm new.
thanks so much everyone. The saddle feathers have rreally grown within the past week. If anyone near franklin county, alabama wants it for $10, let me know :)

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