roo with frostbite


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
I had to seperate my roo from the flock for a few days because he was pulling the saddles off of my hens that lost back feathers (see "rooster thinks saddles are the enemy"). It got very cold one of the nights (-8) even though it wasn't predicted to, and his comb and wattles got frostbitten. Now there's black dead skin on his wattles and comb tips. I'm afraid of gangrene. Can't afford a vet and I'd hate to cull him since he's a very good roo. What can I do for first aid?

See post #5.

I currently have a roo I am contemplating dubbing because he has such a bad case of frostbite on his wattles. I am holding off because I really hate cutting into living birds (unless I am transitioning them from living to not living) and I also hate the idea of disfiguring him unless I absolutely have to. I feel your pain. Let's play the waiting game together!

Good luck.

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