Rookie mistake...


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2015
I put two ceramic eggs in my boxes when I switched the girls to a new coop in November. I didn't mark them. I now can't figure out which two of my three tan eggs are my fakes!

They spin the same, they sound the same when tapped, they scratch the same, they weigh the same, NONE are the same size as another, they're identically colored..... I don't know what to do! I don't have a flashlight bright enough to "candle" them.

Any ideas??

After we ended up w a fake egg in our fridge, I took a marker and put big X's on them. The chickens don't seem to mind. Now it's easy to tell which is which.

Don't feel bad, hon. I've been doing this all my life, and just last fall I sold a ceramic egg in a carton to a customer
. I realized and told them. Their kiddos had a ball trying to figure out which was the fake. The finally had to resort to trying to crack them, that was the only way they could tell. I'm thinking you'll need to do the same.
Ceramic eggs would not float either, just like real eggs... Candling is the best bet.
Take the eggs into a dark room: our bathroom is really dark even in the day, either that or just wait until night time. Then just use the brightest flashlight you have, but hold your hand around it so that no light leaks past the egg. Even a not very good flashlight will at least get an egg to glow. The ceramic one will be pitch black.

I should mark mine. I have always been able to tell, but at some point I might be too tired etc. I think I will mark them today, in fact.
I left a real egg in the nest the other night thinking it was a fakie,
didn't realize until morning when I saw there were too many fakies.
Real egg was frozen but not cracked until I 'tested' it...SMH.
Remarked all my fakies more clearly.

Welcome to BYC @HimmelbergerHen
Guess you'll have to wait until you break them to eat them.

ETA: cannot believe you have no flashlight, not one.
Course I'm a bit of a flashlight freak/collector, have at least a dozen.... or more.

ETAA: not sure that material my fakies are, got them at TSC, very hard but they do float.
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