Ok does anyone keep just a pen of roo's together , the reason why is I have about 8 different kinds of heavy breed Roo's, (Why you ask I keep 8 different breeds and not make chicken soup out of them )
well the reason if these are my very first and I'm trying to produce my own bard yard special Dual Purpose heavy- colorful - bird . Yes I see there a large asstorment of colors - sizes- and breeds but just looks to produce my own while I rasing chickens for eggs and meat for the family and plus it's seems to be a growing hobby also just to see what ? would by crossing what ? would it look and turn out and what would egg productions be from the crosses .
any way back to my question , how many Roo's can be keep together and what size run and pen should I keep them in .....................At one time or another they where together but not all at the same time , at this present time 3 are with the egglaying hens -2 are by themself -1 is with the x-rock hens - and the 2 are in with the bantams ,roo's and hen run.
I want to build a small coop and run just for these Roo's plus a few others that I am rasing form the mix breed patch , as I get to many then I will butcher -n- turn them into chichen soup LOL
yep i'm chick crazy
Thanks Ya'll
well the reason if these are my very first and I'm trying to produce my own bard yard special Dual Purpose heavy- colorful - bird . Yes I see there a large asstorment of colors - sizes- and breeds but just looks to produce my own while I rasing chickens for eggs and meat for the family and plus it's seems to be a growing hobby also just to see what ? would by crossing what ? would it look and turn out and what would egg productions be from the crosses .
any way back to my question , how many Roo's can be keep together and what size run and pen should I keep them in .....................At one time or another they where together but not all at the same time , at this present time 3 are with the egglaying hens -2 are by themself -1 is with the x-rock hens - and the 2 are in with the bantams ,roo's and hen run.
I want to build a small coop and run just for these Roo's plus a few others that I am rasing form the mix breed patch , as I get to many then I will butcher -n- turn them into chichen soup LOL
yep i'm chick crazy
Thanks Ya'll