Roost ? do I buy one or make one?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
My and my mum are getting chickens hopefully in a month and a half.

Some of the housing is very expensive , is it cheaper to build your own? I have heard you should have 2 openings into the roost because of bulling , so they can get away.

Also we are going to build the run so its big enough for them , and hopefully have them roam around the garden during the day.

are there any uk websites that sell good chicken houses

anyway any help would be great
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dpends on your abilities and tools you have. If you don't have any of the tools (hammers, saws, and such) you are much better off buying. I fyou have that stuff and are willing to give it the ol' college try thenget after it!

I have built all my own stuff but feel very confident doing that sort of stuff.

There are several folks on here from the UK and am bet they can help. there are soem company's but I can't think of them off hand...cuz I wouldn't need them and need that memory space for other remembering what i gave for homework!
Thanks , I am the only one finding out about chickens! I do animal management so it should be fun. I hope my dad can help build the fencing.

They will have to start looking for housing soon lol there so lazy ,my dad still has a dripping tap to fix
I would DEFFINATLY build your own coop and run. Go to the library and check out a book or two on building storage sheds. Read about the basic building techineques and design your own. Purchase your tools and I guarantee you will use them for years to come. You might borrow some of the tools if need be but your really only talking basic tools. There is nothing complicated about building if you just look at the book and study the pictures. Once you are finished you will enjoy your coop for many years and tell stories about how you built it, bragging for a long time.
Check out mine. I have had more fun showing off the coop. Our local newspaper ran a big story recently with pictures and all. I have had more people in town stop me and tell me what a great job I did.
Good Luck

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