Roost question.

For what it's worth, when I had a rooster with bumble foot, the vet strongly suggested that I set up roosts of varying widths, so each chicken can find its "comfort zone". I currently have 2x4s wide-side up, but will be adding some that are turned on end, and some with the corners sanded down further, to give them that variety. Apparently flat feet when roosting can sometimes interfere with blood flow in a big bird with foot issues...
@pd, i have exactly whjat you said, i put a brace at 5'. It looks like im going tree hunting My luck i'll get poison oak...
I used a 2x4 turned so the wide side is up.
I also have a loft area at the same level but they use the 2x4 exclusively.
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I have birds that roost 8' up in the rafters, which are 4" diameter fence posts; then, birds that like the 3" to 2" saplings, 4' up, and birds that like the 3' high saplings. I also think that tree branches or saplings, bark on, are the natural roosting places for our jungle-origin chickens. Mary
@sunflour, glad you mentioned the 4" round top thing, because i was thinking of those flower bed timbers. they are about 4x4 but with very round edges. Since i will have 2 roosts, i may use a small sappling as mentioned above, and use 1 made from 2x4 turned with the 4" side up and just see what they prefer. I do like natural items, but in the end i strive to make meh animals happy and comfy..

IMO they will select the roost for location rather than small differences - they all seem to covet a window seat:)
We put a 3" branch in the run, and a 1 " branch in the coop. Both had to be lowered before the birds used them (disclaimer - I'm fumbling my way through this.) Both branches are from a sycamore tree. Some chickens will roost on the 2x4 support instead of the branch.

It is mostly about location and flock dynamics, rather than roost type. I'll stick with trees, not lumber, for cost reasons if nothing else. Most of my Belgian d'Uccles, great flyers that they are, roost up overhead on those fence post rafters. Mary
Great discussion! I am still in the planning stages of my coop, so this is helping a lot. I am thinking I will put both a tree limb and a 2x4 for my roosts and see what it preferred.

For those of you that use 2x4's do you paint/seal them with anything to help keep them clean?

I have read several people use everything from 2x4's to small tree's dried. i suppose a chicken would pretty much use anything you put up to roost on, but i want something comfortable for my birds, may sound trivial, but hey, i like a comfy bed(roost). Do chickens "Need something small enough to grip, or would a wider, say a 2x6 turned flat give them something more to lay/squat on? If my birds are anything like me, one weird noise i would fall off a small perch... as i waited for a reply, just thought of possibly screwing a smaller, say 1.5x1.5 on top of a 2x6 if they need a foot hold, but it would still have the 2x6 under as a wider balance board...??

We have used everything from broken down pallets to 1 x 1's they throw away at lows, drilled into 2x4's to as elaborate as 2x4's with various lengths of dowels. As long as they can get up there and roost, they will be happy.
Thanks. well, i dont have rats/mice yet...hoping my 2 yard pups living next door to my coop are taking kindly to the flock, and hopefully may deter some rodents, predators. But one of my mains concerns was about the "Flat" foot thing..I know chickens can and will grip limbs etc, but is it really the most comfy? Lol, laugh all you want, but they say a happy chicken lays more eggs...If it hold true, i might end up installing captains chairs...

LOL...I like the way you think! My husband just smiles and say "OK Honey" when I add something else to The Chicken Fortress he is building for our soon to arrive chicks. I too am very concerned with their comfort and safety...thus the Chicken Fortress :D He did go fabric shopping for the nesting box curtains last weekend!:lau I've been wondering about the same thing you asked about the roosting bars. We plan to use 2x4's and route the square edges so that they are rounded. that I read your thought on a flat board...I might do know give them a choice...some of them might prefer one or the other.

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