Roost to high and jumping to death


9 Years
Dec 10, 2010
This morning my wife called me at work to let me know one of our buffs was dead. I believe she jumped to her death.
My question to you is Can the roost be to high.
The pen is an old corn crib about 6' wide and 20' long. There is a spot the hens like to roost which is about 5' 6" high off the floor. I put other roost spots about 2 and 3 foot off the floor and some roost there, but about 10 of the hens get to the higher spot and then up to the rafters.
I think she jumped off some time this morning and hit the lower roost on the other side and broke her neck
My question to all of you is how high should all the roosts be? Will they still try to get to the rafters?
All my chickens could not wait to get out this morning, no eggs laid, I think they all knew something bad happened.
Any Ideas?
The roosts for my orps is 2' max and for my wyandottes 3' high at the highest. I don't like my big birds to have to jump down very far at all.

They'll always go to the highest roosting spot that they can get yes especially for very heavy birds I think it can be too high.
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Might need to put some chicken wire across your rafters to keep those ladies down low

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