Roost "tray"

Yes I use big cafeteria trays in one coop and those "plastic boots trays from TSC in the other// Take out the whole tray scrape it in a pile in the edge of woods After I sled them down the hill...exercise in walking the distance LOL) then use either a toilet bowl brush on the "treaded' boot trays. Or one of those soft $1 sponge dish mops on the big fiberglass cafeteria trays. Dry them in sun for a short while then back in the roost holder.. ESY Peasy..Oh if too cold then shake and dry with a paper towel and put back.. Now couldn't find my big cafeteria trays used so bought 6 pack on prob Ebay or Amazon. expensive but very durable for the long run..... Have big baking sheets on roost first. then the black cafeteria trays.
yeah trays are easy. Stopped using PDZ and wood s chips on floor... still have a bag or two unopened.....It is .so very simple and sparse to keep clean. can't stand the sight. of dried poo or worse.
course I imagine lots of chicken girl , would be more
messier , than my small group.
I'm using those left over large garage floor mats from my former home. I do admit that the floor is a lot harder on their feet when getting off their roost. I did add some Harbor Freight jigsaw looking mats under the garage floor mat remnants .But its The portable ,movable roosts) are not that far off the floor when Little Sis was having those stargazing episodes and falling off the roost many times.... each nite. Its amazing she still alive....
we lowered that coops roost to just less than a foot off the floor...
but the downsize of that is less room in that coop.since they can't get under it.
Anyone use dog kennel trays or something similar as poop trays that can be removed and cleaned daily?

I have dog kennel trays on the floor under my roosts and they are covered with pine shavings. However, I do not remove them daily to clean them. I just wanted it to be easier for me to clean my coop as I have a chronic illness. I will be able to just remove one tray at a time to empty them and then do the rest of the coop. Plus if one area gets excessively dirty, I will be able to just remove one tray and won't have to do the whole coop.

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