Rooster age an issue?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 13, 2010
I have my eye on an 11 month old Buckeye rooster. My pullets (I have fifteen) are all about 5 months old. Will this age difference be a big issue? I'd like to have the roo for protection and breeding, but these girls aren't quite laying yet (hopefully any day now, though!
) I guess he would have to be quarantined for a month-ish if that makes a difference (12 month old roo w/ 6 month old pullets). The reason for my post is that I was reading others and saw where someone wished they had waited to introduce a roo to her flock. I wonder if the problems would outweigh the benefits.

Another question... if I get this roo, should I ask them for a hen to go along with him to keep him company during incubation, or does that open a whole other can of worms?

Thanks in advance for your opinions!
The good news is that you have 15 pullets. The age difference will not matter. We've put this years pullets in with our old boy roo and they are just fine. Probably shouldn't get a hen to go with him, because while they are in quarantine, that poor girl will not get a minute's peace.

Good luck.

ETA good choice on getting the Buckeye. They are hard to come by, so I've heard.
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I believe the person who wished they'd waited to introduce a roo to their flock was referring to a situation created by having introduced a YOUNG roo, not a mature one. So the "teen-aged," horny, unskilled cockerel was harassing the pullets.

An older rooster ... that is, a mature one.... should have developed some finesse with courtship. And mature roos also know when pullets are getting close to laying, when they are maturing, unlike cockerels who don't care because they are blinded by hormones.

And don't get a hen for him - he'll be okay for his quarantine.

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