Rooster aggression


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
Ive been wondering, how much of rooster aggression the result of genetics? So far my dominique is the only rooster I can say is entirely not aggressive, except to roosters that are being jerks. Aside from him I have white rock, bielefelder and slw roosters. They were all hand raised, came from different breeders, and I spent much time with them, and every single one of them so far, at absolute best, has to be kept away from hens (the white rocks really arent too aggressive but are simply too rough with the girls) and at worst has had to be punted like a football followed by a swift appointment with the freezer. So far it seems to me that from these breeds I just cant expect to find a gentle giant like my dominique.
It seems fine overall, thats how roosters are, even mine act like that, but i recommend easter eggers/Rhode island reds? Im not 100% sure! So do research before considering them. But just a thought :) ps: i also found my hediamoras to be absolute dolls, to young to tell what age yet, but i am guessing hen? Im not sure, shes a doll though! Shes quite vocal to.
Are you talking cockerels or roosters? Cockerels are like teen aged boys and need to learn manners and proper courtship methods.
Are you talking cockerels or roosters? Cockerels are like teen aged boys and need to learn manners and proper courtship methods.
The youngest is about 9 months but most of them are a year old. I had to lock them up because if I allow them out in the bachelor flock run they would escape and then fly in with the hens and kill them. Ive lost probably 10 hens because of them. They wouldnt just mount roughly, theyd actually rake the hens back with their claws. Only reason I havent culled all of them is I only have the one good rooster and theres a lot of predators here.
Are you talking cockerels or roosters? Cockerels are like teen aged boys and need to learn manners and proper courtship methods.
I have a question about that very thing... My 3 hens and roo are all the same age (1 year), all raised together.

My roo has no courtship skills. He doesn't chase the girls relentlessly, but he doesn't dance for them, either. He does tidbit. Is two out of three good enough? The ladies don't squat for him, but I've never seen them squat at all, even just before they started laying.
You know I was just wondering about that, from what I see most people have problems with aggressive roosters, be that they are agresive with hens or people. I'm thinking it's a breed thing...?

Our rooster, Champion, he's a Radio breed, not a big rooster really, but he's super sweet with both us and the girls, he's never hurt a single hen and he really likes to mate with them, I've seen him mate with each one two or three times a day.
I'd definitely think it's genetic.
You know I was just wondering about that, from what I see most people have problems with aggressive roosters, be that they are agresive with hens or people. I'm thinking it's a breed thing...?

Our rooster, Champion, he's a Radio breed, not a big rooster really, but he's super sweet with both us and the girls, he's never hurt a single hen and he really likes to mate with them, I've seen him mate with each one two or three times a day.
I'd definitely think it's genetic.
It definitely seems that way to me, especially since I hand raised all my birds. I've been playing with genetics for appearance but I think I might start focusing more on behavior.

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