Rooster attack


10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
Clio Michigan
Yesterday my Roo attacked my son he kicked him. This morning He tried to attack me. This evening He attacked my 2yr old daughter. I grab him up and beat against my front porch. Then I throw him about 20-30 feet. I hope I did not kill him. He lying in the coop right now. My daughter was pecked a couple of times but she had pants on. I'm glad I could stop him. I would feel bad if he dies. I was found of him until this event. He is a BO. Has anyone else had bad Roos.
I don't know that beating him is going to help any.

I can understand you were mad. But I think Picking him up and carrying him around would help to enforce who is boss.

Or it would've been more humane to just cull him.
Yeah, I certainly would not want a rooster around that would harm my kids or myself. I'd be either getting a chicken dinner out of him or rehoming him. He needs to know who is boss. Good luck.
Your roo was just doing what alot of roos do until they are shown, and not by beating it, who's boss. Our roo does the same thing. All we have to do now is just point a finger at him and he backs down. He knows who's boss. Roo's attack because they are the 'protector's of the flock. Where any of your near 'his' hens or any of the nestboxes?
How is he doing...our rooster just kind of pecks at the ground while moving closer to you, making noises...he acts like he is trying to sneak up on my but i'm just standing there watching him...i'm just afraid to pick him up while he is about to attack. Also is it normal for him to chase after our golf cart...he runs so close to it that i almost ran him over...i hate to think this way, but it would be his fault
Yes it's true roos are the protecters of the flock, and I probably wouldn't have been so rough on him either, but my kid would be protected if it meant I'd have to beat him. Our roo got mean and tried the same stuff with us when he first became sexually mature. After about three weeks of this and letting him know we are his boss he calmed down. We would clap our hands and chase him off every time he was near so he knew we were the bosses, we also used squirt guns he hated that. We use them on my neighbors nasty roos when they come in our yard. Works like a charm. Try that. My roo is now nicer, in fact he is in love with me. He does his little lovey dance around me and follows me everywhere doing a purr call. He must like aggressive women (haha)
. It's kind of embarrasing and funny at the same time. If he tries to mount me, well then that's just too much I'll seriously think about freezer camp then!!!
I had one bad RIR roo. RIR hens are sweeties, but RIR roos can be little beasts ...

All I had to do was hold him down in the run. The others all ran over and got some pecks in on him while he screamed. After a bit of that, I kept swatting the others back so they could not get at him. After that incident, he was my best buddy and followed me around. He never got uppity with the kids after that, either.

I think I got lucky with that one, I can't imagine that something that simple would work in most cases. If it had not, I might have gone as far as holding him upside down for a while, but if you're having to go so far has striking him or throwing him, I'd say you need to throw him on the BBQ.

Same as Honeydoll mentioned, ours acted up right as he started to reach maturity.
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My rooster does that same funny dance...head down, butt up and shake...i dont think it means he likes us though...i really think it means hes trying to get you to back and hes about to attack

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