rooster attacked chick

Him freaking out if you change positions, then I would not do it. I'm sorry he's not getting any better:(
He still has a couple weeks, i doubt he’ll walk but for now i’m making him as comfortable as i can until his swelling fully goes down, then i’ll try some massages like @LaFleche mentioned, i wish i could get him some x-rays for his neck to see if something is for sure dislocated but that’s not an option. If that doesn’t work then i’ll put him down :(
Aww, I’m sorry your little guy isn’t improving.

It is hard to make the decision on when/if to put an animal down. I struggle with that too. I’m sorry it might come to that for you with Garbonzo.

Also I just caught up reading this thread, and I’m sorry I misled you earlier by saying you could put cockerels/roosters together. I didn’t even think about breeds. (My boys are one Ayam Cemani & three Silkies. They like each other, but if they ever decide not to, I guess I’ll build more pens!)
When I read Wyorp Rock’s response I remembered when driving I once saw a field full of barrels with a chained rooster to each barrel...
Good luck with your cockerel.
Thanks for the photo of the Dad.
The cockerels that are together right now may get along for a little while, but get some separate pens ready now and be prepared to use them.

I wouldn't be able to tell you the line of your rooster either, only whoever bred him can do that, but he looks like a Gamefowl to me. The males cannot live together.


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Aww, I’m sorry your little guy isn’t improving.

It is hard to make the decision on when/if to put an animal down. I struggle with that too. I’m sorry it might come to that for you with Garbonzo.

I once saw a field full of barrels with a chained rooster to each barrel...
Good luck with your cockerel.
I really hope there’s some last minute improvement atleast, but again i’m doubtful.
It’s definitely difficult i love my pets, but as hard as it is i know he won’t have to suffer anymore.
As for my other cockerels im not sure how i’ll build them their pens, i definitely want them to have enough space so i’ll have to see what i can do, i have a pretty big backyard but there’s no shade so i don’t know because texas gets pretty hot during the summer and i just want them to be comfy. I currently have them in this long cage during the day and let them out for a couple hours switching turns with the adults and stuff, crickets my little cockerel has a huge wattle so they peck at it but nothing serious, butttt he does try to mate with the other one even though (he?) is a cockerel? not sure? but then again crickets tries to mate with anything that moves, especially slippers and that one cockerel..?? so then he? she? pecks him back so they just try to fight but stand down after i grab em and swaddle them and they just knock out and nap :)
Im feeling around his neck/ head *gently of course* and there’s like a spikey part where he was injured, could this be the bone that seems to be dislocated? he seems to hurt when i touch it.
Does this "spikey" thing feels like a broken/splintered piece of bone?
he freaks out but i’m not sure if this is because he’s not used to it or because it hurts? not sure what to do. Also since his leg is like that he’s not able ti balance in his sling
He might freak out because with a dislocated atlas bruising pressure is exerted on the spinal chord and the nerves and blood vessels leading to the organ of equilibrium in the ears. So it is difficult to find a resting position where the world is not turning upside down. And changing his position will start the whirling all over again.

I would not try the relocation without him being a little drugged and therefore more relaxed by cortisone/prednisolone. His muscles will be too tense and the hurt and fear would make it even tenser and the risk of making it worse or even break his neck should not be disregarded.
Also I just caught up reading this thread, and I’m sorry I misled you earlier by saying you could put cockerels/roosters together. I didn’t even think about breeds. (My boys are one Ayam Cemani & three Silkies. They like each other, but if they ever decide not to, I guess I’ll build more pens!)
When I read Wyorp Rock’s response I remembered when driving I once saw a field full of barrels with a chained rooster to each barrel...
There's plenty of housing options for keeping a single rooster or even hens. It doesn't have to be just Gamefowl. Many people keep their breeding and show stock separated for most of the year. Anything from tie outs like you happened to find to dome pens to small coops and runs.
As you can tell from the OP's description having cockerels together - they mate each other, fight, etc. , this is why someone like me doesn't think having a bachelor pen is not the best idea. Pen separate or cull.

For Texas and no shade look into dome pens, there's plenty of examples if you search google. Those are probably the most economical to build.

Another option would be something like this

As for my other cockerels im not sure how i’ll build them their pens, i definitely want them to have enough space so i’ll have to see what i can do, i have a pretty big backyard but there’s no shade so i don’t know because texas gets pretty hot during the summer and i just want them to be comfy. I currently have them in this long cage during the day and let them out for a couple hours switching turns with the adults and stuff, crickets my little cockerel has a huge wattle so they peck at it but nothing serious, butttt he does try to mate with the other one even though (he?) is a cockerel? not sure? but then again crickets tries to mate with anything that moves, especially slippers and that one cockerel..?? so then he? she? pecks him back so they just try to fight but stand down after i grab em and swaddle them and they just knock out and nap
Does this "spikey" thing feels like a broken/splintered piece of bone?
Everyone’s ears are different but it feels like the edges of your ear, it’s kinda weird to explain but not the soft squishy parts but the parts where there’s cartilage...?
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Sounds like he has something broken. I'm sorry, I don't think that can be fixed.
oh that’s unfortunate :(

edit: wouldn’t he have died instantly? just wondering, i didn’t think a chicken with a broken neck would’ve lived this long, again i’m just wondering.
Everyone’s ears are different but it feels like the edges of your ear, it’s kinda weird to explain but not the soft squishy parts but the parts where there’s cartilage...?
That does not sound fixable. And he does not seem to have improved but gotten worse instead, if I read you right.

If you can't have him drugged with painkiller/cortisone/prednisolone for relaxation and possible treatment or checked by an avian specialist, including x-ray etc., I think it is time to put him out of his misery, as this will not get better on its own.

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